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What We Do

Medical Mission Sisters at the United Nations

25 Years with the United Nations

  • 1994: MMS received NGO status in the UN Department of Public Information (DPI)

  • 2000: achieved special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Counsel (ECOSOC)

  • Medical Mission Sisters and Associates representatives: Associate Jane Blewett, Sr. Philo Morris, Sr. Celine Paramundayil (current)



What are our areas of Focus?

Social Justice-member NGO Social Development CSOCD

Economic Justice –  NGO Financing for Development – FFD 

Environmental Justice–  NGO Mining Working Group

Gender JusticeNGO Commission on the Status of Women CSW 

Human RightsNGO Committee  to Stop Human Trafficking 

NGO  Committee  on  Migration 

Coalition on Global Citizens 2030 

Justice Coalition of Religious- JCoR   


What We Do at the UN

In collaboration with  Religious and other NGOs we work for a Just and Humane world with dignity and respect at the Center by:

 Be a voice of the voiceless-Advocacy & Lobbying decision makers

Contribute to the UN by written and oral Statements

Conduct Parallel events during conferences and at the UN

Participate in major Conferences/ meetings in NY and around the world

Raising awareness – Education, including orientation  to the UN

Providing internship experience to students


Link between, local to global and global to local by  News letters,  Facebook, Twitter and e-mails


How to Get Involved

Be part of MMS at the UN by getting in to our mailing list. It is our pleasure to educate any one about the work of the UN. You can participate in UN conferences, special events, Advocacy and education programs.

You can Support our work by: Spreading the word, Sign the petitions, join a campaign, like our face book page- Medical Mission Sisters at the UN

Follow us on Twitter @MMSUNNGO



Profile of Representative

Sr.Celine Paramundayil is our main MMS representative to the UN since 2010 . She has a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry and Nursing and  Masters Degree, M.Phil in Women studies. Celine has lived and worked among the low cast, dalit (former untouchables) of S.India over a decade organizing them through micro finance, a process to empower the rural women, economically, socio-culturally and politically. It became a mutual empowering experience . She gained first hand experience of the reality as well as the world view of people living in poverty, which gives her the passion to advocate for people and planet at the UN.


  • Sister * Maria Hornung
    Sister * Maria Hornung

    “We commit ourselves to focus on the potential for life in everyone and everything.”